The worlds best cakes (in my opinion)...

Last week our new neighbours Chocolate PR recently hosted a very successful PR Workshop.

They came back with a couple of boxes full of Fanny's Cupcakes.

Now I'm not much of a cake fan but 'sweet lord' the cup cakes we tried out were out of this world gorgeous!!

Free e-Book courtesy of Seth Godin

I'm in love with the Purple Cow!

Anyone who has spoken with me at length will know how much I love Seth Godin's 'Purple Cow' book. It's all about standing out from the crowd and daring to be different.

Does your brand stand for adultery or a night club brawl?

It's hard work to gain favourable opinion from the paying public and to build that all important 'Brand Loyalty' so is it any wonder some brands look for short cuts?

Attaching a famous personality to your brand is a short cut to public approval.

You know you are doing well when...

You know you are doing well when you start to make people nervous.

The internet has certainly changed the world we live in - particularly when you rely on advertising revenue to survive.