Why it's okay to stab your clients...

Cavemen had the right idea about acquiring new business.

Way back in time, around the stone age, some bright young thing went after a wooly mammoth with a newfangled contraption called a spear.

Up to that point in time your average caveman was content with pounding his prey with rocks and sticks but clever caveman decided a sharp point at the end of a long stick was more effective at getting through the leathery hide of a savage beast.

The 17 best business cards...

My desk is wrist deep in other peoples business cards. I see so many of them, some good, some bad but very few 'clever'. We've been scouring the internet for some ideas for great business cards. Hopefully it might provide you with some great ideas to make your business card get noticed...

The future is so close you can touch it.....

Want to see the next two 'big things' for us media types to play around with?

Big thing number one: Moving images in magazines.

Remember: older people love their tables...

Earlier this year my parents (by which I mean my Mum because my Dad gets no say in these matters) were considering putting a gas fire in their living room to replace the coal fire.

My Mum said she wanted "the kind with a door on that looked like a coal fire but didn't require the maintenance of a coal fire".

We all remember the ginger kid at School...

Copper Top, Duracell, Rusty. Whatever you called the ginger kid at your School I bet you still remember them now.