My desk is wrist deep in other peoples business cards. I see so many of them, some good, some bad but very few 'clever'. We've been scouring the internet for some ideas for great business cards. Hopefully it might provide you with some great ideas to make your business card get noticed...
1). Balloon Business Card.
Here's a card that isn't actually a card. It's a balloon. Obviously these won't fit in a traditional card file but what a great idea and not too expansive either. Perfect if your business is expanding. (ha ha ha).
2). Simple Business Card
The best ideas are usually the simplest. I love this business card because it's so, well, simple.
3). Handy Business Card
A great way to get your business card kept is to make it useful. Look at this great idea, A business card and a bottle opener. Cheers.
4). Simple die-cut, Business Card #1
I love die cuts, which is 'technical talk' for cutting shapes out of business cards. This idea works so well with the name.
4). Simple die-cut, Business Card #2
This is so simple and so pretty. Probably one of my favourite business cards of all time.
5). Interlocking Business Cards
Great for a partnership. I've seen this idea before where the business cards come together and make a 'whole'.
6). Simple die-cut, Business Card #3
Quite obvious but still very effective business card design.
7). Embossed Business Card.
So few people 'emboss' any more. Probably because it's quite costly to do, but the results can be fantastic (or should that be (fang-tastic).
8). Creative Business Card.
How great an idea is that? Putting exactly what you do into the hands of a potential customer when you first meet them. Brilliant.
9). Interactive Business Card.
A similar idea to the personal trainer business card. I do lawns, here is a baby lawn.

10). Creative Business Card idea #1.
I love this card, simple but obvious. But I love it even more when you see the next business card....
11). Creative Business Card idea #2.
Brilliant. Simply brilliant. I wonder which came first?
12). Match Box Business Card
I imagine these will have been quite expensive to make as they have some hand finishing on them (the staples) but still, I bet people who get them remember the company.
13). Mini Me Business Card
I've never been a fan of 'photos' on business cards. It's a bit cheesy. However, a mini pop up model of the person. Now that is something.
14). Plastic Business Card
Now these cards are expensive to produce but they last and last. Plus you can use them to de-ice your car in the morning.
15). The ultimate recycled Business Card
I saw this one and it made me laugh. Whet better business card for a second hand store than a second hand business card.
16). SEO Business Card
After you've spent thousands of pounds getting to number one on Google, why not brag about it?
17). The special offer Business Card
So many people hand out business cards but I've never seen one with an incentive to buy attached to it before. What a great idea.
18). Shameless Plug about Business Card Design and Print.
Don't forget, we can combine our creativity at The Factory with the bargain print prices at our sister company, to produce you are card that other people will always remember.
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