This man LOVES his business card design...

We are working on a new sales pitch for business cards. What do you think?

Facebook Open Graph lets users search the internet - kind of...

Facebook have just announced plans to let their Open Graph search engine begin to draw in content from outside of Facebook.

For a while now there has been speculation that Facebook is trying to produce a 'Social Semantic Search Engine' to serve up search results based on user information rather than 'html content' as google does.

Our Claire wins at the World Cup...

England might not have done very well at the 2010 World Cup but one of our creative team didn't do too badly.

Scooping 2nd and 4th place in the office sweep stake wasn't enough for our Claire. Fighting off fierce competition she also won first prize of a flat screen HDTV in a competition held by AB Wellan - one of our favourite suppliers.

The worlds most tagged photo or the worlds best viral?

I'm a huge fan of Orange. I love it as a colour, I love it as a drink and I love it as a mobile phone provider.

For me, Orange get it right so often.