Google v's Facebook...

Is it just me or do you find it odd that Google's main competitor is a social networking site and not another Search Engine?

On March 6th Facebook achieved the seemingly impossible. It became (admittedly for a brief moment) the most viewed web site in the U.S. Facebook has long been seen as the main competitor to Google. Not Bing, Not Yahoo. Not Twitter.

Top Tips #1: Are you struggling to get 'things' done?

My typical day goes something like this: start a project, stop for a phone call, back to project, check email, deal with email, back to project, phone goes again, return to project, phone goes again - deal with emergency, back to project - repeat to fade. I think you get the picture.

Factory Freebie - How to get sales quickly...

If you didn't know already, we recently wrote a short and sweet document about structuring a simple sales process to win new business for your company.