Top Tips #1: Are you struggling to get 'things' done?

My typical day goes something like this: start a project, stop for a phone call, back to project, check email, deal with email, back to project, phone goes again, return to project, phone goes again - deal with emergency, back to project - repeat to fade. I think you get the picture.
Recently I have discovered a fantastic bit of software called 'Things'.

It's based on the 'Get Things Done' principle but the reason I like it is it's so simple and intuitive.

The program sits quietly in the background on your computer and has a handy 'In Box' folder. If you get a phone call or remember something that needs doing, you can quickly get it out of your head by typing a quick note in the 'In Box'. These are called 'tasks'.

When you have a spare minute you can then go through your 'tasks' and assign dates to them.

Tasks can also have handy 'tags' added to help you sort through them when you have a busy to-do list (for example you can just view 'urgent' and 'phone) and Things will display just your urgent phone calls for that day.

Tasks can also by added to projects to keep them all nice and neat.

At the moment Things only runs on Apple Macs running OS X but it also has a really handy iPhone or iTouch app which syncs with your computer so you can still stay in control of your to-do's when you are on the move.

You can find their web site here and download the software.

Give it a try and you'll be churning through your to-do's in no time!

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