Wednesday, 24 February 2010
I hate to be the person who pops your ego bubble but nobody cares what you do. Honestly. No one.
This seems to be one of the most commonly overlooked facts when people start to market their businesses.
Monday, 15 February 2010
"Get out of my office and never darken my door again" is not a phrase you would expect to hear from a supplier - but perhaps it's time to start saying that to some of your clients?
When I first started out in business I got very busy, very quickly. By busy, I mean I was working long hours and really giving my customers my pound of flesh.
Thursday, 11 February 2010
"I know how my product is being used!" I hear you cry. But do you really?
Let's look at a dying product. The pen.
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
The Factory have teamed up with and O2 to give any O2 Business customers half price stationery and flyer printing.
This is a combined saving of over £200.
Friday, 5 February 2010
If you are responsible for bringing in new business for your company you probably got a momentary sense of relief when you read the headline for this article, probably followed straight after by the rational side of your brain shouting something like "Yeah right - now get back on the phone and start cold calling again".
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
The internet has constantly bounded forward at an alarming rate. I remember when we early web designers gushed at being able to make text blink on and off. Wow.
Monday, 1 February 2010
Apparently yes - try a tree for size.
Forest of Bradford in association with BEAT are giving you the chance to plant a tree for your loved one. It's a great gesture and will certainly last a lot longer than a bunch of roses. You can even go and help plant it.